In the movie Forest Gump, Tom Hanks ran because, well, “he just felt like running.” In real life, Bob Hentzen, founder of the CFCA, or Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, walks, but he has a definite purpose for doing so. That purpose is to help the poorest children and elderly of Central and South America, as well as other far reaching locations of the globe, have a better chance at life. He walks in order to identify with their plight, to put himself in their shoes. I learned about Mr. Hentzen from an article that appeared in La Nación’s weekend section, Proa. Seems that right now Bob is in Costa Rica. He is no stranger here, as the organization he founded some 30 years ago has been in this country helping the poor for 26 years. There are 6,700 individuals in Costa Rica that have been sponsored and serve as testimonies to Bob’s compassion. In all, Bob’s organization has helped over 300,000 in places like Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and right here in Costa Rica. The article described how Hentzen grew up very poor, the son of itinerant farmers in Kansas. He was one of a family of 14 brothers and sisters. The CFCA he founded with his three brothers and two close friends in 1981 is a Catholic lay organization, but their mission is in no way to proselytize those they seek to help. In fact, the mission respects all differences of religion and seeks only to elevate the lives of children and the elderly, not to convert them to a different faith. That is refreshing, as all too often Christian organizations seem to be more concerned with conversion than with compassion. You can read more about the mission of the CFCA from this video that appears on their web site. I was greatly touched by this man’s philosophy of life and his heartfelt desire to help others. Bob Hentzen, in my opinion, is truly 1 in a 100.
Colleen Llywelyn
Hi Bob,
I am so heart broken over the tragedy in Guatemala and I am sure yours is too. There does not seem to be enough we can do for those who have lost so much, other than to just love them more.
You are always in my heart along with them.
Nicole Baker
A wonderful song, Bob! The photos and music really complement
each other and get the message across. Maybe you could send
this along to the nightly news to put on their national broadcasts.
Thank you for reminding us of these children and families whose
needs are great and resources few.