
I remember the very first time I visited Monteverde.  An old friend (Yuri) and I drove up there in his compact Hyundai Sedan, which had very little undercarriage clearance. Certainly it was not meant for off-road activity. Yuri warned me sternly that it was not the right vehicle for such an adventure.  I told him […]

The Plight of the Perpetual Tourist I used to have to periodically make what we expats affectionately (or not so) refer to as the “border run.”  What is a “border run” you ask?  Well, before I became a permanent resident of this fine country I was a “perpetual tourist.”  In fact, a good percentage of […]

Cocos Island versus Isla del Caño Costa Rica has many tiny islands that tourists can visit, but the two most important and larger of the Costa Rica islands are Cocos and Isla del Caño. I hope to write about the former one day (Cocos). A few years ago it was in the running for being one of […]

Years ago, while going through some tough times, I had an inspiration to start a men’s retreat adventure that I was going to call Moment on the Mountain. I even started a web site by the same name. Well, like many of my bright ideas, this one never saw much daylight and kind of dwindled […]

Today I am presenting another of the off the beaten path Costa Rica vacations designs to appeal to the niche customer looking for that Costa Rica vacation experience that is just right…like Dorothy’s proverbial porridge pot. Today’s design is for the hardcore water sports enthusiast. The package below features the best locations for engaging in Costa […]

A customer called this morning asking about a return trip. This customer and his wife had just recently visited on one of our custom designs. They obviously liked it. Their first trip was off the beaten path of what most customers generally asked for. And they wanted something similar, but different. That got me to […]

I need to inform you that there’s this new eBook called 100 Cool Things to Do in Costa Rica. It’s free, it’s cool and it is chock full of stuff to do in all the cool Costa Rica places. Costa Rica is a touristic juggernaut (how’z that for a hype?). Really though, virtually every nook […]

I can’t believe we’ve reached the end of this series. And what better way to end it…Jaco Beach. I am originally from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I don’t know if maybe you’ve heard of that place, or have even visited. It is known for its tackiness and ultra-extreme level of commercialization (see my Colossal Crab […]

I always consider going over to the Nicoya Peninsula to be a Costa Rica adventure. I feel as if I am entering some strange, exotic and remote area. And indeed there are places over there that do fit that bill. But it is also home to some gorgeous beaches, fantastic boutique resorts, super waves and […]

Monteverde is one of the “crown-jewels” of Costa Rica tourism (the others being Arenal and Manuel Antonio). What makes it so popular? Mainly the cloud forest. What the heck is a “cloud forest”, you ask? Well, a forest in the clouds, dummy. No, really it’s a little more complicated than that. True, the cloud forest […]

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