
In the movie Forest Gump, Tom Hanks ran because, well, “he just felt like running.”  In real life, Bob Hentzen, founder of the CFCA, or Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, walks, but he has a definite purpose for doing so.  That purpose is to help the poorest children and elderly of Central and South America, […]

I wrote yesterday about Ryan Bingham and his lighter backpack theory of life.  In case you’re wondering who that is, he is the fictional frequent flyer character played by George Clooney in the movie Up in the Air.  Bingham’s suggestion, if you’ll remember, was to lighten your pack by discarding things that “tie you down.” […]

Saw the movie Up in the Air (here, Amor sin Escalas) the other night.  George Clooney always cracks me up.  Ever since Everett McGill and his Dapper Dan pomade in Oh Brother Where Art Thou, he has been one of my favorite actors.  While his character was as absurd as many of the others he […]

From my experience it seems that as soon as you feel satisfied with the status quo, that things seem to be “running on all cylinders,” suddenly and unexpectedly weird things begin to happen.  It seems at times that these random events derive from forces that are conspiring against you.  Investing in the stock market is […]

I can remember on one of my first trips to Costa Rica, back in October of 2001, I believe, when the owner of the university I was working for paid for me and my assistant to take a trip over to the Caribbean side. I wanted to do a little surfing and they chose for […]

My grandmother and grandfather enjoyed decades of marital bliss until he died in 1991.  My grandmother lives to this day and now is past 90!  I believe one of the secrets for their marital success was due to my grandfather being a little deaf, or deef, as one would say in Sampson County, North Carolina.  […]

Goodbye 2009, hello 2010!  It seems each new year brings an expectation of better, or at least different, things to come.  The essence of the so-called “New Year’s resolution” is being fed-up with the old and ready, though maybe not willing, nor able, to bring on the new.  After all, like “they” always say, “the grass […]

I have a gripe with the “gripe porcina” (or “swine flu” as you “northerners” call it). And that is, what’s the big deal? People have been getting all types of flu since the dawning of civilization. Why has this one suddenly become so infamously popular. This microscopic bug is more well-known world-wide than Michael Jackson. And […]

Things are actually pretty rosey these days. I am all moved in to my new home. While I did experience a bit of “trepidation” about the move initially, now I’m really loving it. And I got orange and mango trees in my backyard! What is really great is that my office is now separate from […]

Sometimes “experience” can be a bit overrated. I mean life is full of them, that’s for sure. Living as a stranger in a strange land can sometimes makes those experiences all the more “experiential.” Recently I had the experience of having my car repossessed. Never had that one in the U.S. Now all my readers are […]

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