
Recently during our bi-weekly team meeting at Package Costa Rica, one of my employees nailed me for having certain non-sustainable habits…like leaving the office and forgetting to turn off the lights.  He’s right, there’s no doubting that.  Sustainability, if you’ll remember, is about managing our interactions and impacts and it requires focused thought until you […]

Lily and I celebrated this Valentine’s Day weekend in Monteverde.  Among other things, we took a guided tour into the Cloud Forest Reserve.  Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and displayed a passion and love for nature that was inspiring.  While discussing the peculiar sexual habits of colibris (or hummingbirds) he made a statement that really […]

My last post addressed, or attempted to address, my personal definition of what it means to act sustainable.  However, what is the goal, or the ultimate aim of sustainability?  I believe only in knowing that can one truly bend the bow, release that arrow of ardent action and hit the true target.  This post will […]

This post is apt to be one of those cathartic ones that has me “thinking out loud” (in written form) and trying to answer a question that has been bouncing around in my head.  That question this morning is…what does sustainability really mean?  I think that is important because I tend to see myself as some sort of […]

I have written before about my view that “American-style” consumerism is at the root of many problems the world faces.  Often I have contrasted that with what prevails here in Costa Rica, which, comparatively speaking, is a low consumption society…although the influx of gringos the last few years threatens to change all that. Now granted, […]

Can politics save our planet? This week the politicos of many countries gather in Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss what to do about global warming. The problem I have with all this is it seems that no one is willing to lift a finger unless there is something in it for them. That is certainly true […]

Rush Limbaugh is fond of making light of the so-called “environmentalist wackos.” These are people with a neurotic concern that human “progress” is encroaching on the environment in irreversible ways. For a long time these types were considered odd and anti-progressive by most people. That is, until Al Gore showed us all that it’s not […]

I have always been puzzled why they gave Greenland that name. I mean a place that is almost completely covered by ice and snow year around would have been more appropriately named “Whiteland,” don’t you think? I was driving around the Valle de Orosi this weekend and I tell you the true “greenland” is right […]

You know I used to be a faithful listener to Rush Limbaugh.  Some things he says make a lot of sense.  But this whole notion that “global warming” is just a “hoax” concocted by liberals to increase taxes and big government is beyond absurd.  Let’s look at it this way.  What if?  What if it […]

Had to play tour guide this weekend for a family of four, with two small children.  The eight year old boy seemed to be determined to identify as many species as possible.  He had his trusted field guide handy and any time he saw an animal he would go digging through it until he came […]

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