Costa Rica Guy - Scott Bowers

I must admit, it has been nice living in Costa Rica for the past 10 plus years and designing custom Costa Rica vacation packages for folks primarily in the U.S. and Canada. One thing doing that has permitted (or required) me to do is travel around a lot. I have been to just about every corner of the country. And I love every square inch of it.

So, I have decided to wrap up a large portion of my knowledge and experience in a little eBook entitled Costa Rica Hidden Gems. In it you will find many Costa Rica secrets revealed, those that can supercharge your Costa Rica vacation and make it truly memorable.  And it is absolutely FREE!

To get it all you have to do is click the link below. This will take you to a page where you can sign up for your free download.

Download Now

Why Would You Want It?

Why not? If you have an interest in a Costa Rica vacation either now, or in the future, wouldn’t it be great to have some insider information on places that are off the radar screen of the typical tourist? I don’t know about you, but when I go to a new place, especially a new country, I want to see something truly special. I love the feeling of having the privilege of seeing things most others don’t get to. That’s what makes traveling really special…the adventure.

For the Adventurous Traveler

This little eBook will certainly appeal most to the adventurous Costa Rica bound traveler. The kind that is not satisfied to sit by the pool and sip piña colodas. The Anthony Bourdain types who don’t mind getting down and dirty in order to really have a remarkable experience.

If that sounds like you, then you need to download Costa Rica Hidden Gems.

And if you do, please leave me a comment here on the blog or our Facebook page telling me how you liked it.

Pura Vida,


Free 100 Cool Things eBook
100 Cool Things to Do in Costa Rica
10 Crazy Cool Things to do in 10 Super Cool Places - entertaining, informative and the perfect tool to help make your Costa Rica vacation as cool as it should be...