
I read these days certain web sites and blogs that tout Costa Rica as “el gran escape” from the current misery being experienced in the U.S.  Some even go so far as to say, escape the changing of “America” into a “communist” “martial law” state by moving to Costa Rica.  Don’t you think all that […]

Lily used a word this morning that caused me to step back and ponder…the word was “ilusionado.”  Spanish and English do share quite a few words that are strikingly similar, but this is not one of them.  The word means hopeful, excited or eager.  However, it sounds an awful lot like illusion in the English […]

In Costa Rica, the “hangover” is generally referred to using the word “goma,” as in “estoy de goma mala” (I have a bad hangover).  Hangovers are called different things throughout Latin America.  In Colombia, the hangover is “guayabo.”  In Mexico it is “crudo.”  It is kind of weird, since the literal translation for “goma” is […]

I missed the fanfare this week in Sabana Park that marked the passing of presidential powers from the outgoing Oscar Arias to the incoming Laura Chinchilla.  I have heard and read that it was quite a spectacle.  It seems most Costa Ricans are very proud of their new “Presidenta” (emphasis on the “a”).  And they […]

A long time ago, really a long time ago, I had this great idea of a web site offering Costa Rica products.  After all, since everyone is so wild about Costa Rica, why wouldn’t it work?  They could order Imperial and Britt Coffee and have it delivered right to their doorsteps.  Well, that idea never […]

200 reasons ago (#96 to be exact) I invited Rush Limbaugh to come to Costa Rica.  Seems he is actually considering taking me up on the suggestion.  Recently a caller asked him where he would go if health care legislation passed.  He replied, “Costa Rica.”  Well it has passed…so where’s Rush?  A couple guys in […]

This past weekend we visited the Bribri tribe in Talamanca.  It is always touching how these indigenous groups, poor in material wealth, but rich in human spirit, receive us so warmly and openly.  A group of young Bribris put on a theatrical presentation for us entitled “Donde Esta Pablo Presbere?”  Pablo Presbere, or Pa-Blu, was […]

Lately you can find any number of web sites dedicated to helping you “reduce your carbon footprint.”  There are even “carbon footprint calculators” that measure exactly how much carbon you are spilling into the atmosphere and contributing to our planet’s overheating.  This is all well and good, but in my opinion all this focus on […]

It seems that Western society is designed along the lines of the following conspiracy….the solvers of problems create the problems to be solved.  Take Western medicine and medical care, for instance. It just seems that we have set up a society so full of stress and poison that it creates a constant and never-ending stream […]

Today, this morning in fact, I get to finally do something I have been waiting a long long time to do….pick up my permanent Costa Rican residency card, or “cedula” in local vernacular.  If you have followed this blog for a while, you may have noted that achieving the “holy grail” of residency has been […]

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