Here are 5 solid reasons why a Costa Rica hotel plus flight deal is a lousy way to experience Costa Rica…
1. It generally is going to limit you to only one destination within the country. Costa Rica is small enough that within the confines of a week-long vacation, you can experience a good chunk of what it’s all about, but not from one location. You have to travel around a bit, which is kinda hard if you book a hotel plus flight deal.
2. I believe you’ll often find that hotel plus flight deals are with hotels that need the marketing support from the big U.S. travel corporations that offer these deals…you know the ones. The really cool hotels, those special boutique ones that I often talk about here, don’t need to do this. You generally won’t be staying there with a hotel plus flight deal. Sorry!
3. How about other things you might want your vacation to include…like transportation and activities? The hotel plus flight deal leaves all that to chance. That might be what you want…the adventure of not knowing exactly how you will take care of those issues. But having to spend time stressing about those things once you’re in the country is not the way to have the best possible experience of Costa Rica.
4. My company, and those similar to PCR, that do business from within Costa Rica, do not offer hotel plus flight deals. Those come from businesses operating outside of Costa Rica. Do you really think they’re in the best position to advise you? And who will offer support inside Costa Rica when something goes wrong?
5. And, related to #4, wouldn’t it be better if your dollars were spent with a business in Costa Rica so that the bucks stay in and benefit Costa Rica and not just be funnelled to some fat cat in corporate “America”?
Now, is this just an attempt to get you to do business with Package Costa Rica?
Hell yea!
But, honestly, there are plenty of “Package Costa Ricas” around. Yea, I’ll admit I have some great competition right here in my backyard. I won’t name names, but they’re out there. And any one of them will guarantee you a better and more sustainable experience of Costa Rica than any hotel plus flight deal.