Now here’s a topic that I know pretty darn well!
I realize many of you wonder what to drink on your Costa Rica vacation.
Well, here’s my Costa Rica booze post with your main choices in terms of Costa Rican national brands, as well as a few of my favorite imports from nearby Latin American neighbors…
Imperial – hands down the king of Costa Rican beers. You’ll want to buy a t-shirt too. Oh and I should mention, it is traditional down here to drink your beer with ice.
Imperial Silver – this is my favorite beer. It is basically a slightly lighter version of the regular Imperial (loses the after taste that tends to get in the way of my thorough enjoyment of regular Imperial).
Imperial Light – too light (definitely for wimps).
Pilsen – this is a heavier beer than Imperial, both in terms of taste and alcohol content. Some say that real men drink Pilsen, but I don’t know about all that.
Pilsen Frost – Frost is to Pilsen as Silver is to Imperial…slightly lighter version.
Bavaria – I don’t really drink this. It appears to be a darker beer, but usually you see girls drinking it. I believe there is a light and a dark version, but like I said, never touch the stuff.
Rock Ice – a favorite with the females.
Toña – an import from Nicaragua…very good and ranks second on my list to Silver. I only wish they would start importing Victoria, which is my favorite Central American beer (out of all the ones I have tried), but so far still not available outside of Nicaragua.
Hard Stuff…
Centenario – Costa Rica’s national rum. Pretty good, but not nearly as good as the next one on the list.
Flor de Caña – this import from Nicaragua has to be one of the best rums on the planet. I love either the 7 or 12 year versions.
Havana Club – actually this Cuban import also ranks high on the list, but more expensive and really no better than Flor de Caña, so why pay the extra?
Zacapa – I have only tried this once. It is a Guatemalan rum and that one time was delicious. Quite expensive compared to those above, however.
Aquardiente Antioqueño – Colombian firewater from Medellin. If you’re partying with Colombians, your going to be drinking some of this. Better stick with the “tapa azul” (blue cap) as it is lower in sugar content, which means you get drunk a little less quick and the hangover is a lot less severe. This stuff will creep on you, so be careful (and I do speak from experience!).
Cacique – Costa Rica’s sugar cane distilled white liquor that is guaranteed to make your brain, as well as you liver, hallucinate. Not recommended in more than minuscule quantities.
Cafe Rica – this is a Costa Rican coffee liqueur that is very good with coffee.
All of the Casillero del Diablo varieties – I love this Chilean import that comes in reds and whites of all flavors. Really excellent wine and not too expensive.
Chicha – a homemade wine generally made with either fruit or corn (I think)…very popular with indigenous cultures, but go easy, this stuff is stronger than it tastes and the hangover is epic!
There you have it…Costa Rica Guy’s guide to imbibing on your Costa Rica vacation.
And remember to drink responsibly!
Post by CRG
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