How do I really feel about prostitution in Costa Rica?
Well, make no mistake about it, it’s BIG business here.
First of all, I certainly don’t write any of this with even the slightest hint of judgment against anyone who participates, or has ever participated.
I do certainly, however, condemn any form of exploitation of children and applaud the government and all organizations that seek to ferret out and bring to justice anyone who engages in such criminal behaviour.
Here I’m writing specifically about Costa Rican “legal” sex tourism, the kind that transpires every day and night in well known establishments, like the Hotel Del Rey and many others around the country.
Granted, there are no “victims” in this process.
Those girls make a willing decision to engage and I simply don’t buy the argument that it’s their only choice. I believe most hard working Costa Rican single mothers would take strong issue with any argument that these women are compelled to be prostitutes by their circumstances of life.
And on both sides of the equation you have the users and the used.
I’m not going to touch on the religious, or moral, implications of this. For that you can read your bible, or koran, or wherever your faith lies, and come to your own conclusions.
However, this activity does have consequences.
I say “easy” tongue in cheek because that money comes at the very high price of human dignity.
And it’s a black hole from which many never escape.
For the guys, it often comes as a shock that “love” cannot be bought…although many try.
The consequence sometimes being that marriages are ruined and families shattered.
I hate to be a party pooper, but those are the unexpected negative consequences, not to mention the risks of disease, rape, murder, theft, etc., that exist within the whole seedy environment created by the sex trade.
So, there you’ve got Costa Rica Guy’s two cents worth of opinion on prostitution in Costa Rica.
Oh for sure, let the party go on, as it has for thousands of years.
But when it’s over, the hangover always happens. I guess the question is whether the pleasure is worth that pain?
I’ll leave that to individual decision.
My advice to the curious, proceed with due caution and at your own risk.
michael alan
“Well, first of all I certainly don’t write this with even a grain of judgment on anyone who participates, or has ever participated.”
This entire post IS a judgment.
this is clearly your judgment: “………because that money comes at a high price….human dignity).”
You should have used the word ‘often’ comes at a high price- you’re implying it’s a ‘given’ that you will lose your dignity…
…….sorry, there are so many ‘holes’ in this post, I just don’t have the time or the inclination…
But believe me, ‘I can see right thru to your ‘conservative/religious’ self.
we’re still friends aren’t we?
Well I guess you got me. I am a little right of center on most, but not all things……and you’re right, it probably is judgement of an industry, but not on people. For them, just a warning. And yes, we are still friends.