
When folks think of Costa Rica what generally comes to mind are its beaches, jungles and volcanoes.  I have written about certain of Costa Rica volcanoes, Arenal, Poas, Turrialba, etc.  This post is dedicated to all of them, because together they make Costa Rica a really cool place (as long as they are nice, that […]

In February of 1963 President John F. Kennedy visited Costa Rica.  On the very day he arrived the towering Irazú Volcano began an eruption that lasted until 1965.  The volcano has been rather quiet since then, but who knows when the collosus will awaken again.  Irazú is the tallest of all Costa Rican volcanoes.  The volcanic soil […]

I am often asked by our Package Costa Rica customers, “does the site of the Arenal Volcano still ‘get you’ even after you have seen it over and over so many times?”  The answer to that question is easy, absolutely yes!  I have seen Arenal more times than I can even attempt to remember. Yet the volcano […]

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