
I have written quite a bit in this blog over the years on the topic of sustainability.  Most of the posts have concerned environmental sustainability and managing our impacts in order not to do ecological harm.  This morning I want to twist that topic around a bit and point it back at ourselves so as […]

Lately you can find any number of web sites dedicated to helping you “reduce your carbon footprint.”  There are even “carbon footprint calculators” that measure exactly how much carbon you are spilling into the atmosphere and contributing to our planet’s overheating.  This is all well and good, but in my opinion all this focus on […]

It seems that Western society is designed along the lines of the following conspiracy….the solvers of problems create the problems to be solved.  Take Western medicine and medical care, for instance. It just seems that we have set up a society so full of stress and poison that it creates a constant and never-ending stream […]

My last post addressed, or attempted to address, my personal definition of what it means to act sustainable.  However, what is the goal, or the ultimate aim of sustainability?  I believe only in knowing that can one truly bend the bow, release that arrow of ardent action and hit the true target.  This post will […]

This post is apt to be one of those cathartic ones that has me “thinking out loud” (in written form) and trying to answer a question that has been bouncing around in my head.  That question this morning is…what does sustainability really mean?  I think that is important because I tend to see myself as some sort of […]

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